Environment is very important in our life. We need to have sustainable environment for our health, but most of people do not pay attention about it. In my case, I know environment is really important to us, but I am doing so many activities that help to make our environment pollution. For example, when I go to buy food in supermarket, I do not care about that food which is I am going to buy; such as, where the food grow up, what kind of fertilizer are use, and how they distribute in the market. Those are really important; we should have some knowledge before we buy the food. We should void the chemical used food and better to eat the organic food, it is good for our health, but in my neighborhood there is one store that sells some organic food. It is really expensive and they have only few things. That’s why, I do not buy organic food that much because it is not readily available in my neighborhood. When I buy nonorganic food that help to make our environment pollution and we might have deficient of nutrition I think because of above reasons so many people are having many health troubles and new diseases.
Friday, 13 January 2012
BP #4 - Going Green
Thursday, 12 January 2012
BP #3 - Mini Research on HeLa themes
Around the mid of 19th century there was a big movement in America. This movement was racial between African American and white people. At that time white people have all power and right, but black people were dominated by white and they didn’t have any right and power, so that black people started to organize and they fight against the discriminated law and system, that movement was racial segregation in the United States.
According to this site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_segregation_in_the_United_States “racial segregation in the United States has meant the physical separation and provision of separate facilities (especially during the Jim Crowera), but it can also refer to other manifestations of racial discrimination such as separation of roles within an institution, such as the United States Armed Forces up to the 1950s when black units were typically separated from white units but were led by white officers”.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Spectacular Satellite Pictures Of Cities At Night
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/cities-at-night-nasa-2012-1#ixzz1j50sTQJY
pic from holocaust

Thursday, 5 January 2012
BP #2 - Taking advantage
I agree with people thought because doctors should not take any organs or cell from any patient’s body without patients or patient’s family permission. Researchers succeed to find many disease solutions; it is really big achievement for all medical sectors and entire human life. But when they took out her cell they shouldn't avoid individual right Henrietta and her family had right to know about it, but the researchers didn't let them know. It made me really sad. When Henrietta death, her family situation was very bad. At that time she left five small children on her husband. In this situation if researchers let them know about that succeed and some financial compensation to them that might gave them big relief. They would have proudly life because of her so many people are safe from such kind of dangerous diseases.
If we see from one side they should be feeling happy because of her cell so many people are safe from many diseases. I think in other side they should be feeling unhappy because the doctors took her cells without her family permission. When doctors were able to achieve that solution, they became world famous because of Henrietta cell. Until this day, whole world know them. The doctors should share that happy moment with her family or they should give them some financial compensation but they didn't. I think for these reasons they should be sad.